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Pictures from the Fanconvention

Well, Here a some of my pictures (It isn't all of them though) First I want to make a few notes about them. I know they aren't of great quality, so sorry for that. 70% of the pictures I made on my digital camera were useless (bad lighting, people half in the picture etc. (I dropped it so the lens has moved)


LadyJay and Jet

Some Brothers of Steel (sorry forgot your names)

The Joms Vikings

The Harleys were there too


Manowar and Holy Hell

LadyJay on Joey's Bike And Scott Harris

CameraEye On Joey's Bike

Eric Adams (I think this is my best Picture)

CameraEye on Joey's Bike

Erman (-O-War) And me (Great outfit huh?)

A part of the Artwall, I think it is the best part of it...

The Italian Army of Immortals (sorry for the bad lighting guys)

English Defenders of Steel

Me and Karl Logan (too bad I am half on it, and even worse It's my only picture with Karl)

Dusk in Germany

Another great picture (Notice the dead Falcon on the left side of the pole (Yes It IS a Falcon :P)

The Soundcheck

The arm Wrestling competition

Me and Ken Kelly

Me and (a part of) Ken Kelly

More Joms Vikings

Manowar and The Joms Vikings

The Miss Manowar Contest

Soldier of the Italian Army of Immortals (Never cathced your name but thanks for the beer!)

The Crowd shouting Show your tits instead of Hail and kill during the miss manowar contest (sorry girls, me and Jet started it and all the guys did it with us)

Marjo and Eric


Marjo and Eric

Eric and LadyJay


Well that's all for now folks! (PS Don't press on the links, they're dead)